
Showing posts from May, 2024

Art: I'm bringing it home before I put it out there

This blog post isn’t necessarily for you, but it’s absolutely necessary for me. But if it can help you, excellent. It’s here to be a reminder to me to maintain a resolve . And yes, resolve needs reminders . Don't let any self-deluded arrogant person or group tell you otherwise. Last week the world of social media within the realm of the horror genre (primarily writers, publishers, editors, and artists) had reached such a point of visible chaos that all of the backstabbing, backbiting, screaming, excoriation, ax-grinding, and line-holding was rapidly moving me to the closest fire exit via a wall-hugging sidestep so as to minimize injuries to myself. I wish the irony and hyperbole of that previous sentence were laughable. I was ready to pack it in with a final, “screw this,” and find a way to eke out happiness in this life while keeping a day job and becoming a hermit regarding my creative pursuits. Better to keep them a secret than wait to be the next target borne of somebody’s offe